Board of Trustees Nominations
Serve on the ISEA Board of Trustees
Submissions are due by October 25
We’re excited to invite Member Company principals to submit qualified nominees for the ISEA Board of Trustees. Board members play a critical leadership role in shaping our mission and goals, providing financial and governance oversight, and ensuring we provide the greatest value possible to our member community. Show your commitment to the value of ISEA and help to shape its future!
Why Serve on the Board?
Serving on the ISEA Board gives you an opportunity to be directly involved in shaping the future of the safety equipment industry. You will have a voice shaping our mission and goals, providing financial and governance oversight, and ensuring we provide the greatest value possible to our member community.
Candidate Qualifications
ISEA is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and strongly encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to be nominated. Qualified nominees:
- Must be the voting representative, or alternate representative of an active Manufacturer member in good standing
- If not the voting representative, the nominee must be endorsed by their company’s voting representative
- Must have prior volunteer involvement with ISEA (e.g. 5+ years serving on an ISEA committee, product group leadership position, etc.)
- Must have at least 5 years experience in the safety equipment industry, including with critical issues around standards and policy
- Must have functional experience helpful to ISEA (e.g. strategy, innovation, digital, etc.)
- Priority will be placed on candidates with prior experience serving on another organization’s Board
- Should bring diversity of perspectives to the board
Need to Know
- Timeline
September 11
Nominations Open
October 25
Nomination Application Deadline
November 22
Nominating Committee Finalizes Slate
December 10
Candidates proposed and confirmed
- Where
The final slate of candidates is presented to the ISEA membership at the 2024 Annual Business Meeting.
- Contact
Have a question or need help? Email Cam Mackey.
Nomination Process
We have multiple open Trustee spots, each serving a three-year term starting December 10, 2024 and concluding at the 2027 Annual Business Meeting. To indicate your interest, the process is easy. Qualified member nominees need to submit no later than October 25:
- A brief vision statement describing the value that you would bring to the ISEA Board
- A resume/CV or bio sketch
- Confirmation that you will abide by all relevant ISEA policies, including anti-trust, ethics, and conflict of interest.
Upon receipt of a nomination, a member of the Nominating Committee will contact the nominee to verify their interest in serving on the board and to answer any questions. Candidates will be proposed to the membership on December 10, 2024, at the Annual Meeting for approval.
By clicking “apply”, you agree to our participation policies.