ISEA Member Webinar
Selling Safety Solutions Based on Value & Total Cost
Asking for a “premium” over the competition can be a hard pill to swallow if the only justification given to the customer is vague promises that the product will “last longer” or is “higher quality.” In the absence of performance data, procurement often makes decisions on the one piece of data that they do have (and are often incentivized against): lowest unit price. Changing the conversation from initial price to total cost and value requires fundamental changes in go-to-market, but the rewards can be substantial. One study of industrial manufacturers found that companies that sell on quantifiable value are 36% more profitable than those that do not.
In this two-part webinar, leading value expert Todd Snelgrove joins ISEA for a session on selling and pricing the value of Safety Solutions.
Todd will address:
- Moving beyond features & benefits – defining TCO and value, and the difference between Safety & Risk
- Framing value as reducing risk – determining the value in reducing risk (and the monetary benefit of your products)
- Supporting commercial teams – preparing sales & marketing for conversations around the value of reduced risk (not just features & benefits)
- Changing customer conversations – tips on engaging channel partners and end-users in discussions around value, using different pricing and marketing concepts
- What’s next – examples of business models that focus on delivering outcomes (not inputs)
Note: Out of an abundance of anti-trust caution, at no point in this session will we talk about actual pricing, payment terms, margins, etc.
Need to Know
- When
Part 1: April 19 (Noon)
Part 2: May 24 (Noon)
Parts 1 & 2 will feature different content and resources.
We recommend registering for both sessions in this series.
- Where
Zoom webinar
- Paricipation Policy
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