Top 5 Ways ISEA Says OSHA Can Turn Up the Heat Stress Rule

OSHA has proposed a new heat stress rule aimed at protecting workers from heat-related injuries and illnesses. As the leading voice for safety equipment manufacturers, ISEA submitted comments to ensure the rule includes effective solutions that keep workers safe. We’ve condensed our 28 pages for your reading enjoyment!

  1. Cooling PPE Should Be Required OSHA needs to require cooling PPE (like vests and towels) in heat stress plans. Think of it like a safety superhero cape for workers battling extreme heat. Properly chosen cooling PPE can keep workers safer and more comfortable during their shifts. And let’s be clear – needing to recharge cooling gear isn’t a flaw, it’s part of its design, like refilling an SCBA tank.

  2. Trust the Tech: Heat Detection Tools Matter Measuring heat stress accurately is key. Data shows that Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) monitors can provide essential real-time data to prevent heat-related illnesses. We encouraged OSHA to require well-calibrated tools to measure heat risks accurately.

  3. Electrolytes Are a Must, Not a Maybe Plain water is great, but when you’re sweating buckets, electrolytes are essential, too! We told OSHA to allow electrolyte replenishment drinks alongside water, especially since losing salts during heavy labor can lead to serious health risks.

  4. Modern Shade Tents – More Than Just a Patch of Shadow Shade matters! Shade tents can do more than block sun – they can reduce UV exposure and keep workers cool. We suggested OSHA emphasize flame-retardant, UV-blocking options for maximum protection.

  5. High-Tech Garments That Work Smarter Advanced fabrics can manage heat better than ever. We recommended OSHA recognize modern materials like evaporative cooling fabrics and phase-change gear as part of heat stress solutions.

We’re proud to be part of this critical conversation on keeping workers safe in the heat. Thanks again to ISEA member company representatives for sharing their expertise. Together, we can help OSHA turn up the protection – while keeping workers cool.




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