ISEA is seeking public comments in response to its proposed revision to the ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 standard. Under a new working title, Insulation and Wash Durability Classification of Apparel Used in Cold Work Environments is used as a tool to assist garment selectors in determining appropriate apparel items for cold ambient environments based on temperature and the activity of the wearer. The basis of this determination is the quantification and classification of the relative insulative effectiveness of the apparel items, the apparel’s appropriateness for the scenario, and optionally its durability in the use environment. Specific criteria are included for thermal insulation (in units of clo) and thermal transport properties. One key update to the proposed revision includes optional assessment and classification of garments after laundering.
Public review comments will be accepted from November 30, 2018 – January 14, 2019 and should be submitted to ISEA’s Director of Member and Technical Services, Cristine Fargo.
To order a copy of the standard under consideration, click here. There is a $20 charge for the public review copy.
In addition, consensus body members in targeted stakeholder groups are still being accepted. These reviewers submit comments and vote on approval of the standard; they are the final authority in determining whether a standard is submitted to ANSI for acceptance as an American National Standard. Consensus panel members are needed in the following categories:
- Producer – A manufacturer of the product covered by the standard or components thereof
- User – An organization that uses, specifies or purchases the product covered by the standard
- Government – An agency or department that has a regulatory or other interest in the product
- General Interest – An organization that has a special interest in this standard due to safety, technical or other requirements or an individual expert with knowledge in the area(s) covered by the standard, but who neither produces nor uses products covered by the standard.
Interested parties should reach out Cristine Fargo for additional information.