
ISEA Product Groups

An Essential Part of ISEA Membership

Product groups are the essential building blocks of ISEA membership. They enable companies making and marketing the same product or products to work together on common interests and concerns.

Leadership comes from within the group, with a chair and vice chair elected every two years. Each member company of ISEA participates in the product groups for which it is eligible, and each member company, large or small, has one vote.

  • Product groups supervise ISEA’s standards development activities. They host standards drafting committees, interpret standards for users and regulators, and appoint ISEA representatives to standards committees of outside organizations.
  • Product groups review and evaluate government policies and initiatives, and provide ISEA input to Congress and agencies on product issues.
  • Product groups plan and conduct market-focused programs such as data collection programs, product use and selection guides, and product promotional efforts.

ISEA Product Groups

ISEA members can enter the Product Group portals below to access the latest resources for the Product Groups to which they belong.Â