ISEA is seeking public comments in response to its proposed new standard on secondary single-use flame-resistance protective clothing. Apparel covered by ISEA 203 is designed for use in industrial settings where flash fire or flame hazards may exist and for which barrier protection may be needed to protect the primary protective clothing from becoming contaminated with dirt, paint, grease and oil, non-toxic solvents or other contaminants. These are commonly used in utility work and refinery maintenance and in steel processing facilities where metal is being cut or welded.
Compliant items are independently evaluated for flame resistance and evaluated for flash fire exposure by layering the garment over a primary thermal garment and will not negatively impact the thermal protection afforded by the primary clothing item.
Public review comments will be accepted until April 17.
In addition, consensus body members in targeted stakeholder groups are still being accepted. These reviewers submit comments and vote on approval of the standard; they are the final authority in determining whether a standard is submitted to ANSI for acceptance as an American National Standard. Consensus panel members are needed in the following categories:
- Producer – A manufacturer of the product covered by the standard or components thereof
- Government – An agency or department that has a regulatory or other interest in the product
- General Interest – An organization that has a special interest in this standard due to safety, technical or other requirements or an individual expert with knowledge in the area(s) covered by the standard, but who neither produces nor uses products covered by the standard.
To receive additional information on the ISEA 203 standard and learn how you can become involved, contact ISEA’s director of member of technical services Cristine Fargo.