Worker Protections

Emergency Eyewash & Shower

0 K+
U.S. workers exposed to harmful substances through skin or eyes annually
Emergency Eyewash & Shower

Emergency Eyewash & Shower Buyers Guide

Emergency Eyewash & Shower Worker Protections

Emergency eyewash and shower equipment rinses contaminants from the eyes and body to help prevent injuries or permanent damage. Emergency eye washes and showers are used in labs, chemical plants, paper mills, and other environments with potentially harmful chemicals or materials.
Emergency Eyewash

Get the Facts


Eye injuries sustained by exposure to a hazardous substance


Annual cost of occupational eye injuries


U.S. workers exposed to chemicals via the skin

Federal Standard and Regulation

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 29 CFR 1910.151, requires that: “Where the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use.” Some States also require emergency eyewash and shower equipment in workplaces where there are irritants or chemicals that are toxic by absorption.

ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 (R2020) American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment 
This globally-accepted standard is the authoritative document that specifies minimum equipment performance criteria for flow rates, temperature delivery and drenching patterns—all characteristics that are important for a user to receive adequate rinsing of a contaminant from the eyes, face and body in an emergency situation.  
Authorities that require ANSI/ISEA Z358.1 compliant equipment: 
– International Plumbing Code (IPC sec 411) 
– Uniform Plumbing Code (UPS sec 416) 
– US Department of Energy (10 CFR 851) 
– US Navy 
– US Air Force 

Additional Resources

Selection, Installation & Use Guide: Emergency Eyewash & Shower Equipment

ISEA is represented on the following standards committees and panels:

  • ANSI Z535 – Safety Signs and Colors
  • ANSI Z10 – Occupational Health and Safety Systems
  • ASTM E54 – Committee on Homeland Security Applications
  • ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel
  • CEN TC322 /WG2 – Fittings and Fixtures (European Committee for Standardization)

Emergency Eyewash & Shower Product Group Members

Members of the ISEA Emergency Eyewash & Shower Product Group can login to their Portal page here.

Buyers Guide

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