Worker Protections

Protective Apparel

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workers in America are protected by safety apparel.
Protective Apparel

Protective Apparel Buyers Guide

Protective Apparel Worker Protections

Protective clothing protects the body from external influence like heat, chemicals, biological pathogens, mechanical hazards, foul weather, etc., by shielding the human body from the environment. The protective clothing may take the form of aprons, coveralls, coats, pants, hats, hoods, sleeves, gloves, and totally encapsulating chemical protective suits.

American National Standards

ANSI/ISEA 101-2014 (R2019) American National Standard for Limited-Use and Disposable Coveralls – Size and Labeling Requirements
This standard provides minimum size, packaging, and labeling requirements for limited-use and disposable coveralls. 

ANSI/ISEA 201-2019 – American National Standard for Insulation and Wash Durability Classification of Apparel Used in Cold Work Environments
This standard establishes classification requirements for occupational apparel items worn in cold environments.

ANSI/ISEA 203-2018 – American National Standard for Secondary Single-Use Flame Resistant Protective Clothing for Use Over Primary Flame Resistant Protective Clothing 
This standard establishes minimum performance and labeling requirements for secondary single-use flame-resistant protective clothing.

Additional Resources

ISEA is represented on the following standards committees and panels:

  • ANSI Z49 – Safety in Welding and Cutting
  • ANSI Z10 – Occupational Health and Safety Systems
  • ASTM E54 – Committee on Homeland Security Applications, E54.4 – PPE
  • ASTM F23 – Committee on Protective Clothing
  • NFPA Technical Correlating Committee – Fire & Emergency Service Protective Clothing & Equipment
  • NFPA Technical Committee on Hazardous Material Protective Clothing & Equipment
  • NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Service Occupational Safety & Health
  • US TAG to ISO TC 94/SC13 – Protective Clothing
  • US TAG to ISO TC 94/SC14 – Fire Fighters Personal Equipment

Protective Apparel Product Group Members

Buyers Guide

Protecting Workers from Head to Toe

Our members are here to bring your workers the protection they need with the quality you expect.

Specialty Safety Products

Safety Cutting Knives

Respiratory Protection

Respiratory Protection

Protective Apparel

Protective Apparel

Hand Protection

Hand Protection



High-Visibility Products

High Visibility Products





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