ISEA Policy Update – February 2025
ISEA Member Briefing This briefing is for ISEA members only. Join ISEA to discuss current legislative and federal developments impacting the PPE industry. Register Now
Our standards achieve national recognition through an ANSI-approved consensus review method.Â
ISEA members, leaders and staff are experienced in the process of standardization, including development of standards, management of the consensus process, publication and distribution, interpreting standards for users, and advocating their use.  Â
SEA initiates a standards project, either a new standard or a revision of an existing standard and submits a Project Initiation Form to ANSI.Â
ANSI publishes a notice of the proposed project, with a 30-day comment period.
The standard is drafted by an ISEA product group, and then approved by the company principals of the group and the ISEA Board of Trustees.
By the Consensus Review GroupÂ
ISEA will send the draft standard to the consensus review group, requesting ballot and comments within 45 days.Â
By the PublicÂ
ISEA will publicly post the draft standard for review by any interested partiesÂ
Comments from reviewers must be addressed, and their ballot vote determines whether the standard will achieve the American National Standard designation.
ISEA must resolve any and all objections received during the review period and recirculate for a final vote.
ISEA must provide evidence of consensus and due process to ANSI.
ISEA publishes and sells the standards it develops and is responsible for interpreting the standard when questions arise.
ISEA collects comments and questions on standards, which are used in development of subsequent revisions. All ANSI standards must be revised, reaffirmed, or rescinded at least every five years.
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Our standards achieve national recognition through an ANSI-approved consensus review method.
Transparency and consensus are cornerstone principles in the development of voluntary industry standards. 
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ISEA Member Briefing This briefing is for ISEA members only. Join ISEA to discuss current legislative and federal developments impacting the PPE industry. Register Now
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