The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) has recently launched a redesigned website as part of the association’s ongoing initiative to enhance its education program.
ISEA aims to support the professional development goals of safety sales and marketing professionals seeking to become more valuable to their customers and companies, and to promote the proper use of personal protective equipment as essential to worker safety and health.
The Qualified Safety Sales Professional (QSSP) program, ISEA’s flagship course, continues to be the industry’s premier training program for safety sales and marketing professionals. ISEA’s education program expansion includes the launch of two new web-based courses, “Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety” and “Understanding Arc Flash Protection,” coming early 2017.
The “Introduction…” course provides an overview of the fundamentals of occupational health and safety, geared toward inside sales professionals, customer service representatives, and professionals new to the safety industry.
Participants interested in “Understanding Arc Flash Protection” will learn the basic protection strategies in NFPA 70E, basic standards related to flame resistant PPE, primary hazards of shock and arc flash and more.
ISEA’s new education site updates reflect the professional development expectations of members seeking to expand their health and safety knowledge to become more instrumental in reducing injury in the workplace.
“The guiding principle of ISEA’s education program is that the people who sell safety equipment can be better resources to their customers if they have some idea of what kind of issues the customer faces every day. The goal is to make them valued partners, not order-takers, and our program exposes the issues that employers, supervisors and safety directors must confront,” according to ISEA President Dan Shipp.
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