Worker Protections

Dropped Objects Prevention

0 K+
workers injured by dropped objects every year in the U.S.
Dropped Object Prevention

Dropped Objects Prevention Buyers Guide

Dropped Objects Prevention Worker Protections

Over 45,000 workers are injured each year in the U.S. in “struck by falling object” incidents. That’s over 120 workers injured every single day. OSHA has identified falling objects as one of the “Fatal Four” leading causes of construction site fatalities, highlighting the urgency of addressing this preventable danger.

Equipment such as hard hats, netting and toe boards can help mitigate the effects of struck-by incidents, but only after an object has already fallen. To ensure Safety at Heights, a comprehensive approach, including dropped object prevention PPE, such as tool tethers and lanyards, anchor attachments, and tool bags and holsters, is necessary.

Get the Facts


Impact force of a 8 pound tool dropped from 200 feet


Workers killed by falling objects each year in the U.S.


Annual economic impact of dropped object fatalities

Visualizing the Data

Federal Standard and Regulation

OSHA requires employers to address falling/dropped objects hazards on the job. OSHA mentions this both in General Industry (1910.23; 1910.28) and Construction (1926.451; 1926.501; 1926.759) standards. 

American National Standard

5 Facts about the Standard

ANSI/ISEA 121-2023, American National Standard for Dropped Object Prevention Solutions, establishes minimum design, performance, and labeling requirements for solutions that reduce dropped objects incidents in industrial and occupational settings. This groundbreaking standard focuses on preventative solutions actively used by workers to mitigate these hazards, and testing of these solutions.

Major Dropped Objects Equipment Categories

Tool Tethers. Lanyards or materials designed to connect tools to approved anchor points.

Tool Attachments. Attachment points designed to be field installed onto tools or equipment to provide appropriate connection points for tethering.

Anchor Attachments. Attachment points designed to be field installed on structures, equipment or workers, to provide appropriate connection points for tethering.

Containers and bags. Devices designed to carry or transport tools and equipment to and from heights.

Additional Resources

ERRATUM: ANSI/ISEA 121-2023 on Table 1. Schedule of Tests

DROPS – Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme

Dropped Objects Prevention – Toolbox Talk

Dropped Object Product Group Members

Members of the ISEA Dropped Object Product Group can login to their Portal page here

Buyers Guide

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